Virt-install Oneiric PV DomU at Xen 4.1.2 Oneiric Dom0 via remote HTTP mirror

RH’s opensource distros ISO images (Fedora,CentOS) have a nice feature,been loop mounted on apache folder /var/www/domain, they allow to create local mirror to virt-install corresponding paravirtual guest. Not customized Ubuntu ISOs don’t have this feature, however virt-install still works for Oneiric, Natty, Lucid utilizing remote system HTTP source. Virt-install Oneiric PV DomU is possible via remote official HTTP source :-
Start install by command :-

virt-install --connect xen:/// -n OneiricPV \
--nographics \
-p -r 2048 --vcpus=2 -f /dev/sdb6 \

proceed with text mode install

Diring tasksel run I’ve selected “Basic Ubuntu Server”,”SSH”,”Ubuntu Desktop”

all done domain reboots

Open Virt-Manager and add VNC Server to graphics section

Start updated DomU via Virt-Manager:-

13 Responses to Virt-install Oneiric PV DomU at Xen 4.1.2 Oneiric Dom0 via remote HTTP mirror

  1. Dag R says:

    How much space does this installation take on /dev/sdb6?

  2. dbaxps says:

    I allocated 16 GB for /dev/sdb6 . My guess 8-10 GB will be enough.
    No more then 2-3 GB extraction plus swap 2 GB

  3. wangqi060934 says:

    I find my domU can only access to internet by nat not bridge,and the command “#brctl show” shows:
    bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
    virbr0 8000.000000000000 yes

    I know xenbr0 is need for bridge.

  4. dbaxps says:

    > I know xenbr0 is need for bridge.

    Create new bridge on Ubuntu is pretty simple and well known procedure for servers supposed to have static IP address.
    You may create manually bridge br0 per

  5. dbaxps says:

    root@boris-System-Product-P5Q3:~# brctl show

    bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
    br0 8000.90e6ba2d11eb no eth0
    virbr0 8000.000000000000 yes

    root@boris-System-Product-P5Q3:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback

    # The primary network interface
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet manual

    auto br0
    iface br0 inet static
    bridge_ports eth0
    bridge_fd 9
    bridge_hello 2
    bridge_maxage 12
    bridge_stp off

  6. dbaxps says:

    Take care of /etc/resolv.conf to keep your’s ISP DNS IP addresses

  7. pratik says:

    hey….during the software selection part i just pressed enter….wat do i do now??

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  9. Riko Len says:

    Boris, will we see any new Xen Installation in your blog?

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